import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import caurina.transitions.properties.FilterShortcuts; FilterShortcuts.init(); // click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onEventRollOver); click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onEventRollOut); // function onEventRollOver(e:MouseEvent = null):void{ Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, { scaleX:1.8, scaleY:1.8, _Bevel_angle:60, _Bevel_blurX:15, _Bevel_blurY:15, _Bevel_distance:10, // _Bevel_highlightColor:0xffffff, _Bevel_highlightAlpha:1, _Bevel_knockout:false, _Bevel_quality:2, // _Bevel_shadowColor:0x000000, _Bevel_shadowAlpha:0.8, _Bevel_strength:1.5, _Bevel_type:"inner", // time :2, transition :"easeOutExpo" }); } // function onEventRollOut(e:MouseEvent = null):void{ Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, { scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5, _Bevel_angle:320, _Bevel_blurX:15, _Bevel_blurY:15, _Bevel_distance:8, // _Bevel_highlightColor:0xffffff, _Bevel_highlightAlpha:1, _Bevel_knockout:false, _Bevel_quality:2, // _Bevel_shadowColor:0x000000, _Bevel_shadowAlpha:1, _Bevel_strength:1, _Bevel_type:"inner", // time :2, transition :"easeOutExpo", onComplete:nextTween }); } // function nextTween():void{ Tweener.addTween(click_mc, { scaleX:1, scaleY:1, _Bevel_angle:0, _Bevel_blurX:0, _Bevel_blurY:0, _Bevel_distance:0, // _Bevel_highlightColor:0xffffff, _Bevel_highlightAlpha:0.6, _Bevel_knockout:false, _Bevel_quality:2, // _Bevel_shadowColor:0x000000, _Bevel_shadowAlpha:0.6, _Bevel_strength:0, _Bevel_type:"inner", // delay:0.5, time :1, transition :"easeOutExpo" }); }
/* Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, { _Bevel_angle:60, //The angle of the effect, in degrees. A number from 0 to 360. _Bevel_blurX:15, //The amount of horizontal blur, in pixels. A number from 0 to 255. _Bevel_blurY:15, //The amount of vertical blur, in pixels. A number from 0 to 255. _Bevel_distance:10, //The offset distance of the effect, in pixels. Any number. // _Bevel_highlightColor:0xffffff, //The highlight color of the bevel. Any color formatted as a number (for example, 0xffgg33). _Bevel_highlightAlpha:1, //The alpha transparency value of the highlight color. A number from 0 to 1. _Bevel_knockout:false, //If true, applies a knockout effect, which effectively makes the object's fill transparent and reveals the background color of the document. true or false. _Bevel_quality:2, //The quality of the filter, which means the number of times to apply it to the object. A number from 0 (low quality) to 1 (medium quality) and above. // _Bevel_shadowColor:0x000000, //The shadow color of the bevel. Any color formatted as a number (for example, 0xffgg33). _Bevel_shadowAlpha:0.8, //The alpha transparency value of the shadow color. A number from 0 to 1. _Bevel_strength:2, //The strength of the imprint or spread. A number from 0 to 255. _Bevel_type:"inner", //The placement of the filter effect on the object. "inner", "outer", "full" // time :2, transition :"easeOutExpo" }); */