2010年11月30日 星期二

[AS3] 亂數隨機載入外部圖檔(輪播)_每一輪不重覆



import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;

//****** photo陣列 - push() 加入外部圖檔檔名
var photo:Array = new Array();

var pNum:uint = photo.length;

//****** intervalDuration - 換圖秒數(毫秒)
//目前設為 5000豪秒,即 5 秒
var intervalDuration:Number = 5000;

var aTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
aTextFormat.size = 18;
aTextFormat.color = 0xffffff;
aTextFormat.leftMargin = 5;
aTextFormat.rightMargin = 5;
var infoTextField:TextField = new TextField();
infoTextField.x = 15;
infoTextField.y = 15;
infoTextField.background = true;
infoTextField.backgroundColor = 0xff2200;
infoTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
//將 infoTextField 加入顯示清單
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
function ini():void
function loadPhoto()
 if(photo.length == 0){
  for (var i:uint=0; i < pNum; i++) { // pNum
   photo[i] = "991130_p" + String(i+1) + ".jpg";
 //Math.random() 亂數產生0(含)~1(不含)之浮點數, 
 //乘以圖檔張數(即photo陣列長度 photo.length),會得到 0(含)~6(不含) 之符點數
 //Math.floor - 去掉小數 - 會得到0~5之正整數
 var photoRandom:uint = Math.floor(Math.random() * photo.length);
 //photo[photoRandom] - 因應亂數,做為陣列索引,指向陣列元素
 var photoURL:String = photo[photoRandom];
 //splice(起始索引, 刪除數量) - 刪除被選定的陣列元素
 photo.splice(photoRandom, 1);
 //將photoURL所存的圖檔檔名字串指定給 infoTextField 文字欄位顯示
 infoTextField.text = photoURL;
 //Loader類別實體ldr,以load()方法載入new URLRequest()的相對網址(即圖檔檔名)
 ldr.load(new URLRequest(photoURL));
 ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);

function onLoaderComplete(e:Event):void
 ldr.x =  (stage.stageWidth - ldr.width) / 2;
 ldr.y =  (stage.stageHeight - ldr.height) / 2;
 //setTimeout(closure:Function, delay:Number, ... arguments):uint
 //在指定的延遲時間 (以毫秒為單位) 之後執行指定的函數
 var intervalId:uint = setTimeout(ini, intervalDuration);
function tweenPhoto1():void{
 Tweener.addTween(ldr, {alpha:0, scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, time:0, onComplete:tweenPhoto2});
function tweenPhoto2():void{
 Tweener.addTween(ldr, {alpha:1, scaleX:1, scaleY:1, time:1.5});

指定類別檔路徑 - 以下載及設置Tweener類別庫為例 http://flash.twgogo.org/2010/12/blog-post.html

2010年11月21日 星期日

[AS3]StyleSheet與TextField - 將 StyleSheet 物件套用至含有 htmlText 屬性的文字欄位

var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();建構一個樣式表物件
StyleSheet.setStyle(styleName:String, styleObject:Object):void
TextField.styleSheet = StyleSheet Object;

  1. TextField文字欄位中不是純文字就是HTML文字。純文字的字串指定給TextField類別實體的text屬性;HTML文字的字串則指定給TextField類別實體的htmlText屬性。
  2. 以flash.text.StyleSheet類別來處理CSS宣告。new StyleSheet()建構StyleSheet物件。之後透過一組物件來定義樣式屬性及其值。呼叫StyleSheet.setStyle(對應的選擇器名稱字串, 樣式物件)方法。
  3. 將樣式表StyleSheet物件指定給文字欄位TextField類別實體的styleSheet屬性,將文字欄位以CSS樣式格式化。
  4. 含有樣式表的文字欄位無法再編輯。 若將文字欄位的 type 屬性設定為 TextFieldType.INPUT, StyleSheet會 套用到文字欄位的預設文字,但就無法再對內容進行編輯。 因此,若有輸入文字需求,則改用 TextFormat 類別,將樣式指定給輸入文字欄位。
  5. 程式碼重要順序→樣式屬性內容必須先設定,接著將樣式表套用至 TextField 物件,然後才能設定 htmlText 屬性,如此 CSS 樣式才能實際生效,表現在TextField的Html文字上。
  6. 下列 ActionScript API 無法在含有指定樣式表的文字欄位中使用:• TextField.replaceText() 方法• TextField.replaceSelectedText() 方法• TextField.defaultTextFormat 屬性• TextField.setTextFormat() 方法


import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.StyleSheet;
var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
var styleObj_1:Object = new Object();
styleObj_1.color = "#ff0000";
styleObj_1.fontSize = 88;
style.setStyle(".red", styleObj_1);
var styleObj_2:Object = new Object();
styleObj_2.color = "#00ff00";
styleObj_2.fontSize = 66;
style.setStyle(".green", styleObj_2);
var styleObj_3:Object = new Object();
styleObj_3.color = "#0000ff";
styleObj_3.fontSize = 44;
style.setStyle(".blue", styleObj_3);
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.styleSheet = style;
tf.htmlText = "< span class = 'red'>●RED< /span>< span class = 'green'>●GREEN< /span>
< span class = 'blue'>●BLUE< /span> text";
tf.x = 50;
tf.y = 8;
tf.width = 460;
tf.multiline = true;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


Flash Player 支援原始 CSS1 規格 (www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1) 中屬性的子集。 請點擊下圖連結至Flash Help瀏覽所支援的「階層式樣式表」(CSS) 屬性和值,以及它們的對應 ActionScript 屬性名稱。

適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.StyleSheet 類別
適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.StyleSheet.setStyle()方法
適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.styleSheet屬性

2010年11月18日 星期四

[AS3]TextField.getTextFormat(beginIndex, indIndex)方法

getTextFormat(beginIndex:int = -1, endIndex:int = -1):flash.text:TextFormat
會傳回 TextFormat 物件,包含 beginIndex 和 endIndex 參數所指定之文字範圍的格式資訊


import fl.controls.Button;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();
tf1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf1.x = 30;
tf1.y = 30;
tf1.background = true;
var tf2:TextField = new TextField();
tf2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf2.x = 50;
tf2.y = 60;
tf2.background = true;
var tf3:TextField = new TextField();
tf3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf3.x = 70;
tf3.y = 115;
tf3.background = true;
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.color = 0x0000FF;
format1.font = "04b_08";
format1.size = 24;
var format2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format2.color = 0xFF2255;
format2.font = "Times New Roman";
format2.size = 36;
var format3:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format3.color = 0x662255;
format3.size = 42;
format3.font = "Orator Std";
var startRange:int = 7;//啟始字元 (0 base)
var endRange:int = 12;//結束字元+1 (0 base)
tf2.setTextFormat(format2, startRange);
tf3.setTextFormat(format3, startRange, endRange);

var myButton:Button = new Button();
myButton.width = 250;
myButton.label = "取得 tf1 的 format1,據以改變 tf3 的文字格式";//取得或設定組件的文字標籤
myButton.toggle = true;//開啟-是否可以切換按鈕
myButton.selected = true;
myButton.move(200, 210);
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format = tf1.getTextFormat();
myButton.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeFormat);
function changeFormat(e:Event):void
 if (e.currentTarget.selected)
  tf3.setTextFormat(format, startRange, endRange);
  e.currentTarget.label = "回復 tf3 原本格式";
  tf3.setTextFormat(format3, startRange, endRange);
  e.currentTarget.label = "取得 tf1 的 format1,據以改變 tf3 的文字格式";


適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.getTextFormat()方法

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__fl.controls.LabelButton.selected屬性

2010年11月17日 星期三

[AS3] TextField.setTextFormat(format, beginIndex, endIndex):void

public function setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int = -1, endIndex:int = -1):void
format:flash.text:TextFormat — TextFormat 物件,包含字元和段落格式資訊。
beginIndex:int (default = -1) — 選擇性;整數,指定從零開始的索引位置,以指定想要的文字範圍的第一個字元。
endIndex:int (default = -1) — 選擇性;整數,指定想要的文字範圍後的第一個字元。依原設計,如果指定 beginIndex 和 endIndex 值,就會更新從 beginIndex 到 endIndex-1 的文字。

  1. my_textField.setTextFormat(textFormat:TextFormat)
    將 textFormat 的屬性套用到文字欄位中的所有文字
  2. my_textField.setTextFormat(textFormat:TextFormat, beginIndex:int)
    會將 textFormat 的屬性套用到從 beginIndex 位置開始的字元。
  3. my_textField.setTextFormat(textFormat:TextFormat, beginIndex:int, endIndex:int)
    將 textFormat 參數的屬性套用到從 beginIndex 位置到 endIndex-1 位置的文字範圍。


var tf1:TextField = new TextField();
tf1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf1.x = 50;
tf1.y = 30;
tf1.background = true;
var tf2:TextField = new TextField();
tf2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf2.x = 50;
tf2.y = 60;
tf2.background = true;
var tf3:TextField = new TextField();
tf3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf3.x = 50;
tf3.y = 115;
tf3.background = true;
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.color = 0x0000FF;
format1.font = "04b_08";
format1.size = 24;
var format2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format2.color = 0xFF2255;
format2.font = "Times New Roman";
format2.size = 36;
var format3:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format3.color = 0x662255;
format3.font = "Orator Std";
format3.size = 42;
var startRange:int = 6;
var endRange:int = 11;
tf2.setTextFormat(format2, startRange);
tf3.setTextFormat(format3, startRange, endRange);

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.setTextFormat()方法

2010年11月16日 星期二

[AS3]嵌入字型 - TextField.embedFonts ( 三 )_嵌入外部引入的字型資訊

public static function registerFont(font:Class):void

※ 從主檔載入外部字型分享swf檔,嵌入外部引入的字型資訊

//public static function registerFont(font:Class):void
//font:Class — 您要新增至全域字體清單中的類別。

‧TextField 內的字元使用嵌入之字型 (點擊文字欄位中的文字,跳窗連結至所顯示的url)

(一)首先必須做一個元件庫中含有嵌入字型的swf檔。開一新檔名為 991115_shareFont.fla
如同  [AS3]嵌入字型 - TextField.embedFonts ( 一 ) 的說明,在元件庫新增字體

(二)按 [+] 新增字體後,到右邊選擇字型、字元範圍,填入名稱。

(三)切換的[ActionScript]頁嵌,外框模式選[傳統],勾選[匯出給ActionScript使用、[匯出在第一影格],填入類別命名,此處為[ ShareFont ],這類別名稱在ActionScript中將被引用。*** 注意,由於這字型要分享給其它Flash檔案使用,必須在下方[共享區塊勾選[匯出給執行階段共享],並將URL欄位填入此FLA 將匯出的SWF檔名,此處為[ 991115_shareFont.swf ]。


var a = Font.enumerateFonts();
trace("991115_shareFont.swf裡的嵌入字型為 " + a[0].fontName);
//public static function registerFont(font:Class):void
//font:Class — 您要新增至全域字體清單中的類別。

(五)建立此例主檔 991115_TextField.embedFonts_3.fla

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.load(new URLRequest("991115_shareFont.swf"));
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, lcHandler);
function lcHandler(e:Event):void
 var embededFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
 trace("991115_TextField.embedFonts_3.swf裡的嵌入字型為 " + embededFonts[0].fontName);
 var aTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
 aTextFormat.font = embededFonts[0].fontName;
 trace("aTextFormat.font = " + aTextFormat.font);
 aTextFormat.color = 0xffffff;
 aTextFormat.size = 24;
 aTextFormat.letterSpacing = -1;
 aTextFormat.leftMargin = 15;
 aTextFormat.rightMargin = 15
 aTextFormat.target = "_blank";
 aTextFormat.url = "http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/Flash/CS5/AS3LR/flash/text/TextFormat.html#url";
 var aTextField:TextField = new TextField();
 aTextField.embedFonts = true;
 aTextField.multiline = true;
 aTextField.wordWrap = true;
 aTextField.background = true;
 aTextField.backgroundColor = 0xff2288;
 aTextField.x = 100;
 aTextField.y = 50;
 aTextField.width = 360;
 //aTextField.height = 200;
 aTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
 aTextField.defaultTextFormat = aTextFormat;
 aTextField.text = "\n"+"http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/Flash/CS5/AS3LR/flash/text/TextFormat.html#url"+"\n\n";

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.enumerateFonts()方法

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.fontName屬性

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.registerFont()方法

2010年11月15日 星期一

[AS3]嵌入字型 - TextField.embedFonts ( 二 )

TextField.embedFonts = true;
( 二 )enumerateFonts(enumerateDeviceFonts:Boolean = false):Array

enumerateDeviceFonts:Boolean (default = false) — 指出您是否要將清單限制為只有目前的可用嵌入字體。 如果此項設定為 true,便會傳回所有字體的清單 (包括裝置字體和嵌入字體兩者)。 如果此項設定為 false,則只會傳回嵌入字體的清單。

// 字型清單設為不列入裝置字體,而只列入嵌入字體。並指定給embeddedFonts 陣列
var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
var tFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tFormat.font = embeddedFonts[0].fontName;

import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.Font;
//enumerateFonts(enumerateDeviceFonts:Boolean = false):Array
//enumerateDeviceFonts:Boolean (default = false) — 指出您是否要將清單限制為只有目前的可用嵌入字體。 如果此項設定為 true,便會傳回所有字體的清單 (包括裝置字體和嵌入字體兩者)。 如果此項設定為 false,則只會傳回嵌入字體的清單。
var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
var tFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tFormat.font = embeddedFonts[0].fontName;
tFormat.size = 22;
tFormat.color = 0xffff00;
tFormat.letterSpacing = -1;

var tField:TextField = new TextField();
tField.embedFonts = true;
tField.background = true;
tField.backgroundColor = 0xaa33ff;
tField.x = 80;
tField.y = 80;
tField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tField.selectable = false;
tField.mouseEnabled = true;
tField.rotation = -10;
tField.defaultTextFormat = tFormat;
tField.text = "今天是Flash的一天,而且三明治很難吃。";

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.enumerateFonts()方法

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.fontName屬性

[AS3]嵌入字型 - TextField.embedFonts ( 一 )

TextField.embedFonts = true;
( 一 )於元件庫中新增字型、繼承Font類別而為其子類別
   var myFont1:Font = new MyFont1();




●●在[字型內嵌]面板左側上方點選 [+] 圖示按鈕,增加字體。於右側[選項]頁籤輸入自訂名稱,從[系列]下拉選單選擇欲嵌入的字型,[樣式]下拉選單則可挑選一般、斜體或粗體等。[字元範圍]的核取方塊可用來決定要嵌入哪些字元;其下的[也包括下列字元]可貼入指定嵌入的字元,本例為[Hello World],貼入後剩下[Helo Wrd],自動捨棄了重覆字元。所以,本例MyFont1只嵌入[Helo Wrd]幾個字元。MyFont2也一樣。


var myFont1:Font = new MyFont1();
var myFont2:Font = new MyFont2();
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.color = 0x336699;
format.size = 48;
format.font = myFont1.fontName;
var myText:TextField = new TextField();
myText.background = true;
myText.x = 110;
myText.y = 60;
myText.embedFonts = true;
myText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myText.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
//defaultTextForma 要放在myText.text = "Hello World"之前
myText.defaultTextFormat = format;
myText.text = "Hello World";
myText.selectable = false;
myText.mouseEnabled = true;
myText.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
 format.font = format.font == myFont1.fontName ? (myFont2.fontName):(myFont1.fontName)

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.Font.fontName屬性

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.AntiAliasType 類別

[AS3] TextField.embedFonts屬性 + TextField.AntiAliasType類別 + TextField.thickness屬性

TextField.embedFonts = true; //指定是否要使用內嵌的字體外框顯示。
TextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
thickness : Number 在這個文字欄位中,Glyph 邊緣的粗細。thickness的屬性值範圍在 -200~200之間。

摘錄Flash Help一句話:

flash.text.TextField.antiAliasType 屬性必須有值 AntiAliasType.ADVANCED,才能讓您設定銳利度、粗細或gridFitType 屬性,或使用 TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() 方法。

當然, 前提得先 TextField.embedFont = true;

1. 未定義antiAliasType屬性

2.TextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;

3.TextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.NORMAL;

● 顯然  2.TextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED 是比較銳利清晰。

SWF ---> TextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED

SWF --- TextField.thickness = 200;

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.load(new URLRequest("991115_shareFont_2.swf"));
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, lcHandler);
function lcHandler(e:Event):void
 var embededFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
 trace("991115_TextField.embedFonts_3.swf裡的嵌入字型為 " + embededFonts[0].fontName);
 var aTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
 aTextFormat.font = embededFonts[0].fontName;
 trace("aTextFormat.font = " + aTextFormat.font);
 aTextFormat.color = 0xffffff;
 aTextFormat.size = 16;
 //letterSpacing - 字元間距
 aTextFormat.letterSpacing = -1;
 aTextFormat.leftMargin = 15;
 aTextFormat.rightMargin = 15
 aTextFormat.target = "_blank";
 //aTextFormat.url = "";
 var aTextField:TextField = new TextField();
 aTextField.embedFonts = true;
 aTextField.multiline = true;
 aTextField.wordWrap = true;
 aTextField.background = true;
 aTextField.backgroundColor = 0xff2288;
 aTextField.x = 10;
 aTextField.y = 10;
 aTextField.width = 530;
 //aTextField.height = 200;
 aTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
 //***Flash Help:進階消除鋸齒功能能讓小型文字顯示高品質的字體外觀, 
 //對於非常大的字體 (大於 48 點) 則不建議使用進階消除鋸齒的功能。
 aTextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
 //aTextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.NORMAL;
 //thickness : Number  在這個文字欄位中,Glyph 邊緣的粗細。
 //thickness的屬性值範圍在 -200 ~ 200之間。
 aTextField.thickness = 200;
 aTextField.defaultTextFormat = aTextFormat;
 aTextField.text = "Oh, Microsoft. You just can’t seem to help but be the last one to every party you attend. You launched the Kin just as messenger phones began to die, then you launched Windows Phone 7 when the smartphone wars were so far underway that most folks had already declared an allegiance.And now you’ve got your motion gaming platform, the Kinect, hitting the shelves years after the Nintendo Wii and months after the Playstation Move. I’ve spent the last week living with a Kinect in my life. How does it fare? Find out after the jump.Short Version:The Kinect isn’t bad. Not at all. It also, however, is not great.. yet. Of the six launch titles I tested, there’s only one that I’d whole-heartedly recommend and proves to me that the platform might be worthwhile. A few of the others are worthwhile rentals — and unlike the PS3 Move’s “KungFu Rider”, none of them made me want to throw the whole thing into a fire.Oh — and if one of your primary interests in the Kinect is using it to navigate through the 360 interface, you’ll want to hold off. Kinect support on the dashboard is currently pretty slow, and pretty clunky.";

SWF --- TextField.thickness = -200;

適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.thickness屬性

適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.gridFitType屬性

2010年11月14日 星期日

[AS3] TextField.restrict屬性

restrict : String  預設值為 null。
此例:aTf.restrict = "A-Z a-z 0-9 \\- \\_ \\^";


如果 restrict 屬性的值是 null,表示可以輸入任何字元。
aTf.restrict = null;

如果 restrict 屬性的值是空字串,則不能輸入任何字元。
aTf.restrict = "";

可以使用連字符號 (-) 字元指定範圍。指定所有大小寫字母、數字,和破折號(-)、底線(_)、跳脫字元 (^)。
aTf.restrict = "A-Z a-z 0-9 \\- \\_ \\^";

如果字串以跳脫字元 (^) 開始,會接受所有的字元,但字串中的後續字元則會排除在接受的字元組之外。
aTf.restrict = "^abc";

如果字串不是以跳脫字元 (^) 開始,便不會接受任何字元,並且字串中的後續字元都會包含在接受的字元組內。
aTf.restrict = "abc";

aTf.restrict = "^a-z";

^ 可以在字串中的任何一處使用,用以切換包含的字元及排除的字元。下列程式碼只包含大寫字母,但排除大寫字母 Q:
aTf.restrict = "A-Z^Q";

您可以使用反斜線來逐字輸入 ^ 或 -。 接受的反斜線序列為 \-、\^ 或 \\。 反斜線必須是字串中的實際字元,因此當您在 ActionScript 中指定它時,就必須使用雙反斜線。 例如,以下的程式碼只包含破折號 (-) 和跳脫字元 (^):
aTf.restrict = "\\-\\^";

Script 可以將任何文字放入文字欄位中。

可以使用連字符號 (-) 字元指定範圍。指定所有大小寫字母、數字,和破折號(-)、底線(_)、跳脫字元 (^)。
aTf.restrict = "A-Z a-z 0-9 \\- \\_ \\^";
以下輸入字元,受限於A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ ^

package  {
 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldType;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class TextField_restrict_991114_1 extends Sprite {
  private var aTf:TextField = new TextField();
  public function TextField_restrict_991114_1() {
   aTf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
   //可以使用連字符號 (-) 字元指定範圍。指定所有大小寫字母、數字,和破折號(-)、底線(_)、跳脫字元 (^)。
   aTf.restrict = "A-Z a-z 0-9 \\- \\_ \\^";
   aTf.background = true;
   aTf.x = 100;
   aTf.y = 100;
   aTf.width = 300;
   aTf.height = 20;

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.ristrict

[AS3] TextField.displayAsPassword

displayAsPassword : Boolean

。displayAsPassword 設為 true 時,「剪下」和「複製」指令以及其對應的鍵盤快捷鍵將失去作用
。在輸入文字時隱藏文字 ( 將它顯示為一連串的星號)。

 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldType;
 public class displayAsPassword_991114_1 extends Sprite {
  private var aTf:TextField = new TextField();
  public function displayAsPassword_991114_1()
   //設定 TextField 類別的 type 屬性為input TextField
   aTf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
   //displayAsPassword : Boolean -指定文字欄位是否為密碼文字欄位
   aTf.displayAsPassword = true;
   aTf.background = true;
   aTf.height = 20;
   aTf.x = 200;
   aTf.y = 70;



適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.TextField.displayAsPassword

[AS3] 擷取文字輸入,並顯示於另一TextField類別實體

TextField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, textInputHandler)
每當使用者在文字欄位中輸入文字,或在 HTML 文字欄位中按下超連結時,物件就會傳送 TextEvent 物件。
注意:Delete 或 Backspace 鍵不會傳送這個事件。


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldType;
 import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
 import flash.events.TextEvent;
 import flash.display.Stage;
 public class Text_INPUT_1 extends Sprite
  private var inputTf:TextField = new TextField();
  private var outputTf:TextField = new TextField();
  private var inputStr:String = "在這裡鍵入文字";
  public function Text_INPUT_1()
  private function captureText():void
   inputTf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
   inputTf.background = true;
   inputTf.backgroundColor = 0xffff00;
   inputTf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   inputTf.width = 260;
   inputTf.wordWrap = true;
   inputTf.x = 10;
   inputTf.y = 10;
   inputTf.text = inputStr;
   //***Delete 或 Backspace 鍵不會傳送TEXT_INPUT事件。
   inputTf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, textInputCapture);
  private function textInputCapture(e:TextEvent):void
   //var str = inputTf.text;
   var str = e.currentTarget.text;
  private function creatOutputFt(str:String):void
   outputTf.background = true;
   outputTf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   outputTf.width = 260;
   outputTf.wordWrap = true;
   outputTf.x = 280;
   outputTf.y = 10;
   outputTf.text = str;



適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.events.TextEvent.TextEvent

適用於 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 的 ActionScript 3.0 參考__flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize

[AS3] TextFieldType類別-是常數值的列舉,用於設定 TextField 類別的 type 屬性

TextField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; //輸入文字欄位
TextField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;  //動態文字欄位
*TextFieldType 類別是常數值的列舉,用於設定 TextField 類別的 type 屬性。

適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考__flash.text.TextFieldType

[AS3] 擷取使用者所選取的文字並顯示在另一TextField中 - selectionBeginIndex、selectionEndIndex、substring()

substring(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number):String

//selectionBeginIndex -
//[唯讀] 目前選取範圍中,第一個字元的字元索引值 (從零開始)。
 var beginIndex:int = myTextField.selectionBeginIndex;
//selectionEndIndex -
//[唯讀] 目前選取範圍中,最後一個字元的字元索引值 (從零開始)。
 var endIndex:int = myTextField.selectionEndIndex;

//substring(開頭字元索引, 結束字元索引);
//substring(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number):String


import flash.text.TextField;
var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
myTextField.text = "TextField selectionBeginIndex 和 selectionEndIndex 是「唯讀」屬性,因此無法設定為透過程式設計方式選取文字,但可以用來擷取使用者目前已選取的項目。此外,輸入文字欄位可以使用 caretIndex 屬性。";
myTextField.x = 30;
myTextField.y = 15;
myTextField.width = 300;
myTextField.wordWrap = true;
myTextField.multiline = true;
var beginTF:TextField = new TextField();
var endTF:TextField = new TextField();
beginTF.width = 300;
beginTF.x = 50;
beginTF.y = 220;
endTF.width = 300;
endTF.x = 50;
endTF.y = 235;
var outputTF:TextField = new TextField();
outputTF.width = 300;
outputTF.x = 180;
outputTF.y = 90;
outputTF.wordWrap = true;
outputTF.multiline = true;
outputTF.background = true;
outputTF.backgroundColor = 0x0066cc;
outputTF.textColor = 0xffffff;
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectText);
function selectText(event:MouseEvent):void
 //selectionBeginIndex -
 //[唯讀] 目前選取範圍中,第一個字元的字元索引值 (從零開始)。
 var beginIndex:int = myTextField.selectionBeginIndex;
 //selectionEndIndex -
 //[唯讀] 目前選取範圍中,最後一個字元的字元索引值 (從零開始)。
 var endIndex:int = myTextField.selectionEndIndex;
 beginTF.text = "First letter index position: " + beginIndex;
 endTF.text = "Last letter index position: " + endIndex;
 //substring(開頭字元索引, 結束字元索引);
 //substring(startIndex:Number, endIndex:Number):String
 outputTF.text = myTextField.text.substring(beginIndex,endIndex);

String類別的 substring()方法

TextField的selectionBeginIndex 和 selectionEndIndex 屬性

2010年11月12日 星期五

[AS3] setSelection()方法 - 動態選取文字欄位內的部份文字

selectable : Boolean -出文字欄位是否可選取的Boolean值,預設true
setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int):void

package TextField
 import flash.text.*;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.events.MouseEvent;
 public class setSelection_1 extends Sprite
  private var aTextField:TextField = new TextField();
  private var textContent:String = "No matter where you click on this text field the TEXT IN ALL CAPS is selected.";
  public function setSelection_1()
   aTextField.text = textContent;
   //aTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   aTextField.width = 200;
   aTextField.height = 100;
   aTextField.x = 150;
   aTextField.y = 100;
   aTextField.wordWrap = true;
   aTextField.multiline = true;
   aTextField.border = true;
   aTextField.borderColor = 0xffff00;
   aTextField.background = true;
   aTextField.backgroundColor = 0xff0000;
   aTextField.textColor = 0x2222ff;
   //selectable : Boolean - 指出文字欄位是否可選取的Boolean 值。
   //aTextField.selectable = false;
   aTextField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, selectText);
  private function selectText(e:MouseEvent):void
   //setSelection(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int):void
   //beginIndex:int 和 endIndex:int 皆為0 base

適用於 Adobe  Flash  Professional CS5 的 ActionScript  3.0 參考 - setSelection()方法

[AS3] 在文字欄位中點擊滑鼠,垂直捲動文字 - TextField.scrollV屬性

點擊一次捲動兩行 --->  myTextField.scrollV +=2;

 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.*;
 import flash.events.MouseEvent;
 public class TextField_TextScrollExample_1 extends Sprite
  private var myTextField:TextField = new TextField  ;
  private var myText:String = "Hello world and welcome to the show. It's really nice to meet you.Take your coat off and stay a while. OK, show is over. Hope you had fun. You can go home now. Don't forget to tip your waiter. There are mints in the bowl by the door. Thank you. Please come again.";
  public function TextField_TextScrollExample_1()
   myTextField.text = myText;
   myTextField.x = 150;
   myTextField.y = 100;
   myTextField.width = 150;
   myTextField.height = 100;
   myTextField.multiline = true;
   myTextField.wordWrap = true;
   myTextField.background = true;
   myTextField.border = true;
   var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat  ;
   format.font = "Times New Rpman";
   format.color = 0x000088;
   format.size = 20;
   myTextField.defaultTextFormat = format;
   //setTextFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat, beginIndex:int = -1, endIndex:int = -1):void
  public function mouseDownScroll(event:MouseEvent):void
   //如果顯示的第一行是文字欄位中的第一個字行,scrollV 便會設定為1
   //myTextField.scrollV ++; //點擊一次捲動一行
   myTextField.scrollV +=2;  //點擊一次捲動兩行

[AS3] 以htmlText屬性在文字欄位TextField之中顯示SWF


TypeError: Error #1034: 強制轉型失敗: 無法將 flash.text::TextField@265e8061 轉換成 flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer。
at org.papervision3d.core.utils.virtualmouse::VirtualMouse/handleUpdate()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at org.papervision3d.core.utils.virtualmouse::VirtualMouse/update()
at org.papervision3d.core.utils.virtualmouse::VirtualMouse/setLocation()
at org.papervision3d.core.utils::InteractiveSceneManager/handleEnterFrame()

 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class TextFieldSample_4 extends Sprite
  private var aTextField:TextField = new TextField();
  private var aHtmlTxt:String;
  public function TextFieldSample_4()
   aHtmlTxt = "< font size='18' color='#ffff00'>< p>
以下在< b>文字欄位< /b>< i>TextField< /i>顯示< u>SWF< /u>,記得要控制寬和高。< /p>
< /font>< img src='991028_pv3d_Cube_BitmapAssetMatrial.swf' width='320' height='220'>";
   //aTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   aTextField.width = 400;//文字欄位寬度(像素)
   aTextField.height = 300;//文字欄位高度(像素)
   aTextField.x = 120; //文字欄位x座標
   aTextField.y = 40;  //文字欄位y座標
   aTextField.multiline = true;//多行文字欄位-true開啟
   aTextField.wordWrap = true;//文字換行功能-true開啟
   aTextField.border = true;//指定文字欄位是否具有邊框
   aTextField.borderColor = 0xffff00;//文字欄位邊框的顏色
   aTextField.background = true;//指定文字欄位是否具有背景填色
   aTextField.backgroundColor = 0x660000;//文字欄位背景的顏色,預設為白色
   //Flash Player 便會將文字欄位中的選取範圍反白標示為灰色。
   aTextField.alwaysShowSelection = true;
   aTextField.htmlText = aHtmlTxt;//htmlText-以HTML顯示文字欄位內容
   aTextField.rotationY = -30; //旋轉y軸-30度
   aTextField.scaleX = 1.2; //從註冊點套用的物件水平縮放

[AS3] 以htmlText屬性在文字欄位TextField之中顯示影像 + TextField類別常用屬性

以htmlText屬性在文字欄位TextField之中使用HTML時,img 標籤支援 JPEG、GIF、PNG 和 SWF 檔

 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class TextFieldSample_3 extends Sprite
  private var aTextField:TextField = new TextField();
  private var aHtmlTxt:String;
  public function TextFieldSample_3()
   aHtmlTxt = "< font size='18' color='#ffff00'>< p>以下在< b>文字欄位< /b>< i>TextField< /i>顯示< u>影像< /u>,記得要控制寬和高。< /p>< /font>< img src='990916_01a_w250px.jpg' width='250' height='160'>";
   //aTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   aTextField.width = 360;//文字欄位寬度(像素)
   aTextField.height = 250;//文字欄位高度(像素)
   aTextField.x = 120; //文字欄位x座標
   aTextField.y = 65; //文字欄位y座標
   aTextField.multiline = true;//多行文字欄位-true開啟
   aTextField.wordWrap = true;//文字換行功能-true開啟
   aTextField.border = true;//指定文字欄位是否具有邊框
   aTextField.borderColor = 0xffff00;//文字欄位邊框的顏色
   aTextField.background = true;//指定文字欄位是否具有背景填色
   aTextField.backgroundColor = 0x660000;//文字欄位背景的顏色,預設為白色
   //Flash Player 便會將文字欄位中的選取範圍反白標示為灰色。
   aTextField.alwaysShowSelection = true;
   aTextField.htmlText = aHtmlTxt;//htmlText-以HTML顯示文字欄位內容
   aTextField.rotationY = -30; //旋轉y軸-30度
   aTextField.scaleX = 1.2; //從註冊點套用的物件水平縮放

2010年11月11日 星期四

[AS3] 指定文字欄位TextField類別實體的文字內容_TextField.text屬性

 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.*;
 public class TextFieldSample_1 extends Sprite
  private var myTextBox:TextField = new TextField();
  private var myText:String = "Hello World";
  public function TextFieldSample_1()
   myTextBox.text = myText;
   myTextBox.x = 100;
   myTextBox.y = 80;

[AS3] 在文字欄位TextField類別實體顯示HTML文字_ TextField.htmlText 屬性+autosize

 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class TextFieldSample_2 extends Sprite
  private var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
  private var newText:String;
  public function TextFieldSample_2()
   //TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT --> 自動欄位寬度,文字靠左。
   myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   newText = "< p>
這段< b>文字< /b>< i>格式化< /i>為< u>HTML< /u>文字。< /p>
   //htmlText屬性 --> 包含 HTML 表示方式的文字欄位內容。
   myTextField.htmlText = newText;
   myTextField.x = 160;
   myTextField.y = 80;

Flash Player 支援哪些 HTML 標籤:(快照圖像引用自下方連結)

2010年11月10日 星期三

[AS3] TextFormat 參數

2010年11月8日 星期一

[AS3] ( UIComponent ) 組件在可視物件類別表上的位置

2010年11月4日 星期四

[AS3] Transition Types 漸變型態展示

點選Transition Types項目,而後按Click鈕,觀賞漸變效果。


import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;

//將 List 組件加入應用程式時,您可以加入下列 ActionScript 程式碼,讓螢幕朗讀程式能夠存取此組件
import fl.accessibility.ListAccImpl;
import fl.controls.List;
var tranVar:String;
aList.addItem({label:"linearx", data:"linear"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInSine", data:"easeInSine"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutSine", data:"easeOutSine"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutSine", data:"easeInOutSine"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInCubic", data:"easeInCubic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutCubic", data:"easeOutCubic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutCubic", data:"easeInOutCubic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInCubic", data:"easeOutInCubic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInQuint", data:"easeInQuint"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutQuint", data:"easeOutQuint"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutQuint", data:"easeInOutQuint"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInQuint", data:"easeOutInQuint"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInCirc", data:"easeInCirc"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutCirc", data:"easeOutCirc"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutCirc", data:"easeInOutCirc"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInCirc", data:"easeOutInCirc"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInBack", data:"easeInBack"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutBack", data:"easeOutBack"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutBack", data:"easeInOutBack"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInBack", data:"easeOutInBack"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInQuad", data:"easeInQuad"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutQuad", data:"easeOutQuad"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutQuad", data:"easeInOutQuad"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInQuad", data:"easeOutInQuad"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInQuart", data:"easeInQuart"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutQuart", data:"easeOutQuart"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutQuart", data:"easeInOutQuart"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInQuart", data:"easeOutInQuart"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInExpo", data:"easeInExpo"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutExpo", data:"easeOutExpo"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutExpo", data:"easeInOutExpo"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInExpo", data:"easeOutInExpo"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInElastic", data:"easeInElastic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutElastic", data:"easeOutElastic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutElastic", data:"easeInOutElastic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInElastic", data:"easeOutInElastic"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInBounce", data:"easeInBounce"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutBounce", data:"easeOutBounce"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeInOutBounce", data:"easeInOutBounce"});
aList.addItem({label:"easeOutInBounce", data:"easeOutInBounce"});
//aList.selectedItem={label:"easeInOutElastic", data:"easeInOutElastic"};
aList.selectedIndex = 34;
tranVar = aList.selectedItem.data;
aList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, getData);
function getData(event:Event) {
 tranVar = event.target.selectedItem.data;

var oriX:Number = a_mc.x;
var oriY:Number = a_mc.y;
click_mc.buttonMode = true;
click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tweenFun1)

//定義tweenFun1的內容,a_mc的漸變參數為{x:470, y:80, time:1.5, onComplete:tweenFun2}
//onComplete:tweenFun2將驅使x:470, y:80, time:1.5的漸變完成後,
//Complete color transformation properties裡的_color參數,其值為16進位數值
function tweenFun1(e:MouseEvent):void{
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:280, y:50, time:1, _color:0xffff00, onComplete:tweenFun2});

//可參照Transition Types 之說明。
function tweenFun2(){
 Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:oriX, y:oriY, time:1.5, delay:0.5, _color:null,transition:tranVar});

Transition Types

2010年11月3日 星期三

[AS3] Tweener.addTween() ← tweeningParameters參數的三種寫法

Tweener.addTween(target:Object, tweeningParameters:Object):Void

Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:470, y:80, time:1.5, _color:0xff0000, delay:1.5, onComplete:tweenFun2});
// Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {

var tweeningObj:Object = new Object();
tweeningObj.x = 470;
tweeningObj.y = 80;
tweeningObj.time = 1.5;
tweeningObj._color = 0xff0000;
tweeningObj.delay = 1.5;
tweeningObj.onComplete = tweenFun2;
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, tweeningObj);

var tweeningObj:Object = {x : 470, y : 80, time : 1.5, _color : 0xff0000, delay : 1.5, onComplete : tweenFun2};
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, tweeningObj);

2010年11月2日 星期二

[AS3] Tweener類別_Tweening Parameters>>base


// WITH base, using an array of base objects:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

var aOri:Object = {x:a_mc.x, y:a_mc.y, transition:"easeInOutBounce", time:2};
var myFade:Object = {x:450, time:1};
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {base:myFade, y:300});

a_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, oriFun);
function oriFun(e:MouseEvent){
 Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, aOri);

[AS3] Tweener→→→游移在兩種狀態間?


Tweener Documentation:http://hosted.zeh.com.br/tweener/docs/en-us/

  1. import caurina.transitions.Tweener; //Tweener不是內建類別,必須匯入caurina類別套件下的transitions類別套件下的Tweener類別

  2. Tweener.addTween(target:Object, tweeningParameters:Object):Void//以Tweener類別的addTween方法,將tweeningParameters定義的漸變參數附加到target物件上,據此產生漸變動畫。

    //target:Object — Any object that will suffer a tweening. These objects are usually MovieClip, TextField, or Soundinstances, or any other custom object with a numeric property that needs to be tweened.

    tweeningParameters:Object — An object containing various properties of the original object that you want to tween on the original objects, with their final values assigned (some special properties are also allowed), as well as some built-in Tweener properties used when defining tweening parameters. This is like the recipe for the tweening, declaring both what will be tweened, and how.

 Tweener.addTween(目標物件:Object, 漸變參數:Object)


import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tweenFun)

function tweenFun(e:MouseEvent):void{

//針對a_mc附加漸變動畫,{x:450, y:100, time:1.5}為其漸變參數,物件類型
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:450, y:100, time:1.5});



import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

var oriX:Number = a_mc.x;
var oriY:Number = a_mc.y;
click_mc.buttonMode = true;
click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tweenFun1)

//定義tweenFun1的內容,a_mc的漸變參數為{x:470, y:80, time:1.5, onComplete:tweenFun2}
//onComplete:tweenFun2將驅使x:470, y:80, time:1.5的漸變完成後,
function tweenFun1(e:MouseEvent):void{
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:470, y:80, time:1.5, onComplete:tweenFun2});

//可參照Transition Types 之說明
function tweenFun2(){
 Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:oriX, y:oriY, time:1.5, transition:"easeOutElastic"});

swf例三:ColorShortcuts類別→Complete color transformation properties→_color:Number(16進位色彩碼)

ColorShortcuts類別 參考文件

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;

var oriX:Number = a_mc.x;
var oriY:Number = a_mc.y;
click_mc.buttonMode = true;
click_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tweenFun1)

//定義tweenFun1的內容,a_mc的漸變參數為{x:470, y:80, time:1.5, onComplete:tweenFun2}
//onComplete:tweenFun2將驅使x:470, y:80, time:1.5的漸變完成後,
//Complete color transformation properties裡的_color參數,其值為16進位數值
function tweenFun1(e:MouseEvent):void{
Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:470, y:80, time:1.5, _color:0xff0000, onComplete:tweenFun2});

//可參照Transition Types 之說明。
function tweenFun2(){
 Tweener.addTween(a_mc, {x:oriX, y:oriY, time:5, _color:null,transition:"easeOutElastic"});

2010年11月1日 星期一

[AS3] Tweener類別_Tweener.addTween()

Tweener.addTween(target:Object, tweeningParameters:Object):Void


import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import caurina.transitions.properties.FilterShortcuts;
//var bX:Number = _Blur_blurX;
//var bY:Number = _Blur_blurY;
var clip_mc:MovieClip = new ClipMC();
clip_mc.x = 0;
clip_mc.y = 200;
clip_mc.scaleX = 0.5;
clip_mc.scaleY = 0.5;
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.x = 400;
obj.y = 200;
obj.time = 2;
obj.transition = "easeOutBounce";
obj._Blur_blurX = 10;
obj._Blur_blurY = 10;
obj.alpha = 0.2;
obj.scaleX = 0.8;
obj.scaleY = 0.8;
clip_mc.buttonMode = true;
clip_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(){
 Tweener.addTween(clip_mc, obj);